Port Macquarie logo designers
Logo design Port Macquarie
What makes a great logo? A custom designed logo is typically a combination of both graphics and text, and should be something unique that portrays your business accurately. A great logo can make people connect with your brand in the first place and recall your business name down the track. Memorable logos such as those for Apple and Nike are remarkably simple, but both also symbolise what the company stands for, as opposed to what it actually does.
A logo must work seamlessly across various applications. It's also important to consider whether a logo can be scaled down to the size of an app button or when applied to a building facade or vehicle. Most importantly, you have to be proud of it, because you're the one handing it out.
And finally if you are not sure just ask yourself " Would I wear it on a t-shirt?" You can view a selection of our custom logo designs by viewing our portfolio page.