Massage@PortMacquarie get a great new mobile friendly makeover

Ling at Massage@PortMacquarie was a very early client of ours. We designed a great looking website for her many years ago and it was working really well in the search rankings but just recently it had started to slip. When it was built nobody thought that people would search the internet on their mobile phones. Who on earth would do that? Well it turns out that about 70% of all internet searches are now done that way and the likes of Google are very aware of that. So much so that their recent search algorithms will actually penalise a website if it is not mobile friendly or if it takes too long to load. This is what was happening to Ling.

Her new website is fully responsive and built in WordPress with a custom CMS to future proof it from future developments. It looks great and we look forward to seeing Ling back at the top of Googles search rankings again.

You can visit the website here